Show & Tell # 65 – Tracy Barnett

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Hello and welcome to a bonus Show and Tell, the podcast series from The RPG Academy where we bring on a guest and talk about something cool.

In this episode our guest is Tracy Barnett (@TheOtherTracy) and the something cool is several things they are working on.

Iron Edda is a recently released RPG using a modified version of Fate Accelerated (FAE) In which players take on the role of dwarven warriors who ride inside the skeletons of dead giants like their own personal mech suits.

Valkyries is a new and in-development game by Tracy where the Valkyries were put into stasis in preparation for a galactic war but were never called upon and after the war forgotten. Now it’s millennia later and war is over and peace reigns when they are returned and struggle to find a place in a world that does not need their talents.

Tracy also works with Games on Demand and is heading up a Games on Demand program at this year’s AcadeCon. 

You can support Tracy via patreon at Patreon.Com/TracyBarnett
This episode was sponsored by Beings from Beyond – a 5e compatible KS bringing Angels, Demons and Devils into your Role playing adventures.
The KS has already funded several times over but has awesome new stretch goals to unlock with your support.

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The music used during our Preroll sponsorship was a modified (shortened and volumed down in sections) version of Fly a Kite by Spectacular Sound Productions  Under the Creative commons Attribution-shareAlike License.