Welcome to Detention, Episode 10!

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Hello Academaniacs! Welcome to the long-awaited return of Detention!

I guess we’ve good for the past 5 months. Well, 3 months. Because we recorded this episode in January 2017! Don’t think too hard about the recording and release schedule. Podcasting is all timey-wimey.

Detention is sponsored by BattleBards and Easy Roller Dice.

In this episode, Caleb and Scott are joined by special guest Quinn from Swallows of the South. As usual, these episodes are a little more rough around the edges, with less editing to reflect a more conversational tone. They also include more of the tangents, bad jokes, and adult language that we tend to use when we’re hanging out and having fun.

In Extra Curricular, Caleb talks about his new job and Emerald City (Which future Caleb who is writing this doesn’t like. Big surprise.) Scott talks about Lawful and Orderly, our new live game that has been going very well on our Twitch stream. And Quinn talks about graduating and going on interviews. He also teases us about some secret projects.

In Used Books, shares a tale of disaster that happened when one of his players took over as GM in a home-brew world. We discuss the importance of a session zero and the virtues of teleporting pirates.

In Class Review, we discuss the almighty Bard. It is generally agreed that the 5E version of the Bard is the best, and the Lore College is the best of the best. We also dip into the debate of pretend vs reality in role playing games.

Be sure to also listen for how Scott wins every escape room ever and the invention of a new term “D&D AF D&D”.

-Professor Crunch-

As always, thanks for listening. Please let us know if you have any suggestions or requests for future episodes. We hope you enjoy.

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