Detention, LIVE! episode 59


Audio Player

Hello Academaniacs!

Welcome to Detention! In this episode I’m joined by Co-host Chris Burlew (@burlew_chris ) GM of the Redemption Podcast 

Extra Curricular – The Nevers, Mortal Kombat, Action 12 Cinema.

10 things – Mortal Kombat style fatalities.  Bad options for footwear.

Used Books: Games with little to no dice rolling.  Spoilers for Shadowspawns.

Where have our fingers been?  In a dungeon where you realize you can get anything you want if you ask.  Responsible for giving adventurers anything they want if they ask.

Cryptozoology: Phase Spiders; D&D 5e and 13th Age version.

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The music used during our intro and outro is a modified version of Fly a Kite by Spectacular Sound Productions  Used under the Creative commons Attribution-shareAlike License.