Detention, LIVE! episode 50


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Hello Academaniacs! Welcome to Detention!

In this episode i’m joined by Chris Burlew (@burlew_chris & @redemptionpod) of the Redemption Podcast and Mike Olson ( @Devlin1 ) who’s worked on FATE,  the Atomic Robo RPG and is working on a new project on Kickstarter right now – SKULLKICKERS: Caster Bastards and the Great Grotesque

This week’s episode has a different format. Instead of Used Books we had Mike talk about his new project.
Don’t forget the Kickstarter for AcadeCon is running right now for our Virtual Convention this year (11/06 – 11/08 2020) and you can pre buy badges for our IRL convention next year and get this year’s badge included.

Comments and Feedback are always welcome.


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The music used during our intro and outro is a modified version of Fly a Kite by Spectacular Sound Productions  Used under the Creative commons Attribution-shareAlike License.