The Sample Adventures. Blue Rose Quickstart Adventure The Rhy Wolf’s Woe. Ep1


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Hello and welcome to The Rpg Academy. This episode is part of our The Sample Adventures series where we take a look at various RPG systems by using the sample adventure included in the core book or as in this case, a quick start. The sample adventure we’re using today is called The Rhy Wolf’s Woe and is part of the Blue Rose Quickstart from Green Ronin Publishing.

For this game we have the following players:

Kevin Stacy ( @KevRanGames ) as our Game Master/Narrator

Michael Ross ( @TheRpgAcademy ) as Malachi an adept

Kaylee Jung ( @AniMeiGrrl ) as Chaya a Rhy-Badger

Christine  ( @SteenGeek01  ) as Ortellia a warrior

As with all our The Sample Adventure games our primary consideration is having a good time, but we also do try and explore and explain the mechanics of the system as appropriate but do not swear to get all the rules right all the time.

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Our Intro and Outtro music is Fly a Kite by Spectacular Sound Productions used via Creative Commons Attribution License

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