The Sample Adventures. Beam Saber episode 2


Audio Player

Hello and welcome to The Sample Adventures. A new Actual Play series from The Rpg Academy where we are taking a trip through various sample adventures included in Role Playing Game core books, setting supplements, starter sets, boxed sets, etc . . .

For this series we are playing through a Sample Adventure of Beam Saber which was designed by Austin Ramsay ( @Notaninn )

Our GM for this series is Austin himself.
and our players
Tom Cantwell ( @BeskarTom ) as Eric Ziegler  call sign “Pops”
Jake as Leon Wolf: call sign ‘Gamble’
Moe Poplar  ( @Ashyfeet1 ) as Yaphet Monroe  call sign “Kodo”
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Our Intro and Outtro music is Fly a Kite by Spectacular Sound Productions used via Creative Commons Attribution License

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