Trial of Satanic Panic ep 4 -Heartfelt confessions


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Welcome to episode 4  of our Trial of Satanic Panic. A Trial is where we test out a new game system. Satanic Panic is a currently Kickstarter’ing game by Jim McClure. Jim is a member of the One Shot Podcast Network and you may know him from Talking Tabletop or his first RPG Reflections. Satanic Panic is a new RPG that takes the idea that the Satanic Panic that happened in the late 70’s and early 80’s about the evils of Role Playing Games was justified; Playing a tabletop game CAN lead to demons and devils and corruption.

In Satanic Panic the players assume the roles within a secret government agency with the mission to contain, control and eliminate the tabletop threat.

Our DM for this episode is Jim McClure himself.

For players, you have Michael (@therpgacademy) Playing Reginald, the Tactician

Scott (@Geowtf) playing Inka Dink, the Solider

Quinn Wilson (@monkipi) playing Frederico, the Inquisitor

and Kendall Jung (@redemptionpod) playing Aaron, the reformed Table Topper.


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Sound FX used were from and used under Creative Commons -NC-ND 4.0 license.

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