The RPG Academy Network is disbanding.

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Hello!  Michael here with a brief statement about the future of The RPG Academy Network.

After many successful years, the RPG Academy Network of podcasters, streamers, bloggers and more is disbanding.

This parting of the ways is mainly due to the time, stress, effort and energy required for running such a huge undertaking and is in no way indicative of any hard feelings or negativity between any of the various participants.

This decision was arrived at collectively with Michael making the final call.

So what does this mean?  The RPG Academy podcast will continue without any noticeable changes or interruptions.  AcadeCon will continue without any noticeable changes or interruptions. And all the various shows currently in the network will continue without any changes or interruptions other than no longer falling under the umbrella of The RPG Academy Network.

Over these past few years the RPG Academy Network has forged some cherished friendships and partnerships and those are not going away.  We here at The RPG Academy are excited and hopeful for the future of these shows and we fully expect many of them to find new homes in larger and more successful networks – networks with an infrastructure to give them the resources we were unable to here and help them grow an audience worthy of their talents.

Looking back on the Network: How it started and how it grew beyond our wildest expectations – I can truly say it’s been fun, which means we must have been doing it right.

~Michael and the entire faculty of The RPG Academy podcast.

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