The Campaigns: Made Men – Episode 7: “I think Yomi is Dead”

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Hello all,

Here is Episode 7 of our Made Men DnDNext Play test game. In the last Episode the original group of PC’s (Zaine, Grexil and Yomi) met up with Jared’s new PC (Wang).  In this session the group manages to stay apart just as long as possible. Wang learns he’s not the craziest member of the group, the gang learns about the Bounty on Zaine’s head and one of Yomi’s secrets comes out in an almost tragic way.


Michael – AKA Mumbles

**********************Technical Stuff*************************

I had originally planned on recording myself doing an intro and doing a brief recap of the last podcast (since there is often days or weeks in-between them being posted but only seconds in-game terms), but right now I have a cold and sound terrible. Look for that change up next time.

Recently we started using a Mic stand to keep our microphone off the table as we play. I think this will reduced the odd (and annoying) wub, wub, wub sounds that I keep hearing. As always I try to edit out as many as I can, but in some cases the dialogue behind them is too important.

I’ve been very happy with the set up we have using a single Blue Yeti microphone but in this Episode more than the others so far I got frustrated with the limitations. There were often side-converstations going on. If each Player had their own Mic I would have greater flexibility in turning those side conversations down, allowing for the main ones to be heard more clearly. In some cases those side conversations were in character role-play and there’s some good stuff there, but it’s hard to hear.  I may experiment a little further in getting multiple mic’s but i’m just not sure how practical that would be, or relevant until we get a studio room.  There’s still so much ambient noise from my basement i’m note sure it matters yet.

Anyway, please enjoy. if you have any questions or comments about the game or how we set up to record and/or edit, please let me know.

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