The Campaigns: Made Men – Episode 26: The Beginning of the End

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Hello all,

Here is Episode 26 of our DnDNext Actual Play podcast.  Yet again, I have to say we lost a session. I apparently did a save as wrong and lost it. The good news is that I have since bought an external HD and will be saving original recordings to it. We also just recently lost a session of our new game A New World because the computer upstairs stopped recording and we didn’t know it. For that reason we’re going to start a redundant recording with my laptop and the old Blue Yeti so we SHOULD not have any further issues.

On a quick side note, Evan ended up finding the previous game session we thought we lost. So i’m going to edit those down and hope to post them as ‘lost episodes’ in the near future so anyone who’s behind might be able to hear them in order.

As for this episode, I start out this session with a recap of the game that we lost so there isn’t a whole lot more to catch up with. I do about a 5 min intro where I discuss the main points of the missed game.

Grexil is in the pits, fighting gladiatorial style against monsters.

We introduced a new player/character (Nick / Ralph aka Rasputin) who is a member of the resistance group Jalzira

Jalzira is named after their founder an ancient Tiefling who knows what Evan’s brother/Ser Accues/The King is up too and wants to stop him.

What he’s up to is trying to raise a demon army and then go back in time to fight the Ghisstarians.

Jalzira knows this is crazy and wont work.

The PC’s decide to Kill the King (to keep him from opening the portal) and then go back in time (cue Huey Lewis and the News) and stop the King from enacting his plan and setting the time line straight.

We pick up the actual game (in case you want to skip my intro now) with the Pc’s about to attack the King as he’s standing by the pit watching Grexil fight down below.

Thanks for listening. We hope you enjoy.
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