Tag: Moe Poplar

The Sample Adventures. Temples and Tombs – episode 3


Hello and Welcome to The Sample Adventures. For this first Series we playing through the sample adventure included in the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars: Force And Destiny boxed Set.

The Sample Adventures. Temples and Tombs – episode 2


Hello and Welcome to The Sample Adventures. For this first Series we playing through the sample adventure included in the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars: Force And Destiny boxed Set.

The Sample Adventures. Temples and Tombs – episode 1


Hello and Welcome to The Sample Adventures. For this first Series we playing through the sample adventure included in the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars: Force And Destiny boxed Set.

Detention, LIVE! episode 67


Hello Academaniacs!

Welcome to Detention! In this episode I’m joined by Co-host Chris Burlew (@burlew_chris ) GM of the Redemption Podcast  and Guest Co-hosts Moe Poplar ( @Ashyfeet1 ) and Michael Low ( @lucklegend )

Streamed live on Twitch on 02/02/2022

Detention, LIVE! episode 57


Hello Academaniacs! Welcome to Detention!

In this episode i’m joined co-host Chris Burlew of the Redemption Podcast (@Burlew_Chris) and guest co-host Moe Poplar (@ashyfeet1) designer of the Shibuyan Knights RPG  

Announcements – Chris is now the official 2nd co-host of Detention LIVE going forward.

Extra Curricular – 

10 things –  Cities, RPG names, Shirt colors.

Used Books:  Setting clear expectations. How do you let players be super cool w/o breaking the game.

Where have our fingers been? 

Cryptozoology:  Goblins! 

Audience Q&A

Detention, LIVE! episode 56


Hello Academaniacs! Welcome to Detention!

In this episode i’m joined guest co-host Jessica aka AngryNerdGirl ( @Miss_Jess03 )

Detention, LIVE! episode 55


Hello Academaniacs! Welcome to Detention!

In this episode i’m joined co-host Chris Burlew of the Redemption Podcast (@Burlew_Chris) and guest co-host Moe Poplar (@ashyfeet1) designer of the Shibuyan Knights RPG  

Announcements – Chris is now the official 2nd co-host of Detention LIVE going forward.

Extra Curricular – 

10 things –  Cities, RPG names, Shirt colors.

Used Books:  Setting clear expectations. How do you let players be super cool w/o breaking the game.

Where have our fingers been? 

Cryptozoology:  Goblins! 

Audience Q&A