Show and Tell – Of Dice and Men

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Hello and Welcome to Faculty Meetings: The general advice and discussion podcast from The RPG Academy.  This is  where we discuss topics that came up at our gaming table or yours

I am Michael, and this is Faculty Meeting # 54 – Of Dice and Men. In this Episode, Caleb and I had the pleasure of sitting  down with Kelley Slagle and Seth Polansky of Cavegirl Productions. Kelley was the Director/Editor and Seth the Executive Producer and all around Sound guy for the feature film Of Dice and Men.

You can Follow them on twitter @Diceandmenmovie

They were nice enough to let Caleb and I watch the movie before hand and we both LOVED it! It’s really really good and I hope it does amazing during its full release.

The movie premiered earlier this year and will be showing at GenCon and Dragon Con this year. It’s based off of the Play by the same name written by Cameron McNary who also stars in the film and was co-writer in adapting the Play to Script.

There will be 2 showings of the Movie at GenCon

Friday Night 9p-10:30p. No cost and plenty of seats left


Sunday Morning 11:00 Am -12:30p.  Plenty of seats left


and you can see the Play it is based off of being performed by Otherworld Theatre Company on Saturday

7p-9p There is a cost of $6.00 and seats left


Greg Thompson who stars in the movie is part of a panel at GenCon on acting

FLM1465285 Saturday 3p – 4p

Kelley is on several panels

Crowdfunding for film FLM1465291 Thursday 2p-3p

Film Special FX FLM1465286 Friday 3p-4p

Female Filmakers FLM 1465283 Saturday 1p-2p

Seth is on these panels

Film Sound FLM 1465281 Saturday 12p-1p

This week we also want to give 2 Patreon Shout outs

Scott B who you may know as Titibutake on the FAE Deadlands game and will be in our soon to be releasing 13th Age game has become a Patron as well as already friend of the show. TY Scott!!

And Staci upped her pledge amount not once, but twice this month and will now be playing in a monthly game that Caleb and I will be running for her.  The details of the game are still being worked out.

And we have a new review on iTunes this week from Lothannian

And finally we want to give a shout out to our friends listening on Stitcher Radio. Please don’t forget to give us a plus sign. This will help us get into more playlists and into more ears.

Thanks for listening. As always, comments and feedback are welcome.


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