Show and Tell – Friends of Cthulhu & Friends

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Hello and welcome to Faculty Meetings: The general advice and discussion podcast from The RPG Academy.  This is  where we discuss topics that came up at our gaming table or yours

I am Michael, and this is Faculty Meeting  # 52 – Friends w/ Cthulhu & Friends

In this Episode Caleb and I sit down with Josh and Veronica from the fantastic Podcast: Cthulhu and Friends. An Actual Play podcast featured on the GeeklyInc Network. Caleb is a super-fan and has gotten me into it as well. We discuss their history with gaming, why they decided to do a podcast and other random topics.  If you haven’t checked out their AP yet, I would encourage you to do so. It is one of the best AP’s out there (that I’ve found) and well worth the time.

Find their show at:

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