Show & Tell # 67 – Endless Realms: Tome of Spirits

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Hello and welcome to Show and Tell, the podcast series from The RPG Academy where we bring on a guest and talk about something cool.
In this episode Tom sits down with our guests Kirsty Garbe and Sherman Tommy of Lunar Games and the something cool is the latest Kickstarter for their new RPG supplement Endless Realms: Tome of Spirits.
The Endless Realms rpg was successfully funded on Kickstarter last year and now that it has been fulfufilled the team at Lunar Games is bringing you their first supplement, Tome of Spirits. Endless Realms is an RPG all about creating something new and unique in the fantasy rpg scene.
Tome of Spirits will be live on Kickstarter April 23, 2019. Tome of Spirits will offer 200+ pages of Class Paths, magic items, new rules for corruption, a wealth of lore on the spirit realms, and so much more.
Check out Endless Realms: Tome of Spirits –

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The music used during our intro and outro is a modified version of Fly a Kite by Spectacular Sound Productions  Used under the Creative commons Attribution-shareAlike License.

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