Show & Tell # 66 – Dimensions D6 RPG

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Hello and welcome to Show and Tell, the podcast series from The RPG Academy where we bring on a guest and talk about something cool.

In this episode my Guest is Alton Wheelhouse and the something cool is the RPG project he is the Lead Game Architect for – Dimensions D6 RPG.

Dimensions D6 was designed from the ground up to be an easy way to introduce new players into the hobby of role playing. It’s not designed to replace D&D or your favorite RPG but instead be starter game for introducing those brand new to the hobby and/or youngsters.

Dimensions D6 will be launching on Kickstarter on Tuesday, April 16th and you can do directly there by clicking here: KICKSTARTER LINK

You can connect with Alton and the other members of the design team on their Facebook page. FACEBOOK PAGE LINK 
And you can join in the conversation on their Discord Channel. DISCORD LINK
Contract Alton directly on twitter @Talon_ReQuo

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The music used during our intro and outro is a modified version of Fly a Kite by Spectacular Sound Productions  Used under the Creative commons Attribution-shareAlike License.