Hello and welcome to our Trial of Marvel Heroic.
In this game we do a kick the tires system overview and test drive.
Our GM for this game is Mark Meredith – @MarkMeredith
Our players
Me (Michael) as Daredevil – @TheRpgAcademy
Jason Flow as Luke Cage – @Jasonmflow
P.K. Sullivan as Iron Fist – @pk_sullivan
Morgan Ellis as Hellcat – @mc_ellis
Eric Paquette as Spider-man – @EricMPaq
Episode 3
Episode 2
Episode 1 – Rules Overview
Here is a link to a ‘cheat sheet’ for the game
Here is a link to the Captain America Datafile Mark uses to explain how characters work
Here is a link to the Marvel Plot Points website that Mark operates where you can find new Marvel Heroic Datafiles.