Paizo, Inc., publisher of the award-winning Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, announces the release of new softcover pocket editions for the two of the game’s essential rulebooks: the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary.

Pathfinder’s Legendary Core Rulebook and Bestiary Hardcover Rule Books Now Available in Lighter, Smaller Travel Friendly Pocket Editions.
The Core Rulebook and Bestiary pocket editions will include the same page count and all the content of their original hardcover counterparts, but will be published in a reduced size of 6.5″ x 8.4″. The pocket editions feature smaller type and images, a lighter paper stock, and a lower price point. The pocket edition Core Rulebook has an MSRP of $24.99 and the pocket edition of the Bestiary has an MSRP of $19.99. Each pocket edition is 50% off the MSRP of the hardcover editions.
“Early response to the paperback Pocket Editions of the Core Rulebook and Bestiary has been absolutely phenomenal,” says Paizo Publisher Erik Mona. “From the lighter weight being popular with convention and game-store players to the overwhelming surprise at the legibility of the text, Pathfinder Pocket Editions are a great idea that has people clamoring for a similar treatment for other Pathfinder hardcovers. I wish we’d thought of it years ago!”
For more information about Paizo or the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, visit them here.
After flipping through the books quickly, I have to say that they’re very nice. They provide the same content of the hardbacks in a lighter and more easily carried version. Plus they’re half off the cover price ! If you’ve not yet gotten a copy of the hardbacks but want them, this is the version I’d recommend. They are also a great option if you travel for your games (maybe at conventions or a distant game store) and prefer not to use PDFs or have digital devices at your game table. They also make an excellent spare table copy to keep around for reference.
To purchase your copy of these books via Amazon and support The RPG Academy at the same time, use our portal HERE. Or get your copy at AcadeCon. Our review copies are being added to the prize pool!
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