Film Studies – Episode 3 – Clue

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Clue, the Movie
(Bluff Check +5 – the Movie)

Welcome to the third episode of “Film Studies”, the bonus series brought to you by The RPG Academy Network.

In Film Studies, members of the Network, sometimes joined by non-Network guests, will review a film and discuss ways it could inspire tabletop RPG adventures, characters or practices.

This time Michael ( @TheRpgAcademy)  heads the class to introduce you to the 1985 “Clue, the Movie.

Our competent academic team is completed by Victoria, from  The Broadswords and Tracy from The Othercast.

Tabletop RPG settings systems and setting mentioned included: “Dungeons and Dragons from Wizards of the Coast and Gumshoe by Plegrane Press.

The next film to be the subject of our class will be Joxxxxx  Delicasine. Let us know ahead of the recording about if this one inspired you some tabletop RPG adventures and maybe we will discuss it on the show.

This new series is still in its early stages and we are still fiddling with the format.

Please send us your feedback so we can fine tune it for your enjoyment, to tell us about your own experience with the movies discussed or even suggest films you would like us to cover in future episodes.

If you’d like to purchase a copy of the movie we discuss AND support our show you an use our affiliate link. You can even do so with tabletop RPG purchases via our DriveThru affiliate link.

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