Field Trip into Shadow of the Demon Lord ep 4



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Hello and welcome to the fourth and final episode  of our Field Trip into the Realm of the Demon Lord. This episode is the second half of our second night of game play.It was supposed to be a one-shot but it ran long and turned into 2-shot. The rules mistakes we were making in ep 1 continue (mostly) in ep 2. We do catch some of them between the sessions and ep 3 and 4 are a bit closer to the rules.

For this game we have:
Me Michael aka Prof Fluff as your Game Master @TheRPGAcademy
Rocky as Cyrax the Clockwork @LaffinJoker
Nick as Colton the Keeper of the baby @Crispy951
Travis as Rook as the “Other Human” @Notourtravis
and Ryan as Bork the slightly cannibal goblin @TeleportaComments and Feedback are always welcome.

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