Faculty Meeting # 147 – Wizards

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Hello and welcome to Faculty Meetings – The general advice and discussion podcasts from The Rpg Academy. This is Faculty Meeting # 147 – Faculty Meetings Redux – Wizards. In this episode I’m joined by my Faculty Meeting co-host Tom Cantwell  ( @BeskarTom


  • Status of AcadeCon.  Get your badge here
  • Chaosium acquired Cubicle 7’s Cthulhu Licenses.
  • The cost of shipping continues to impact tabletop 
  • Forbidden Lands SOLO mode in new KS.

DMs Guild Spotlight with Grant ( @The_Foxblade )

A mini review of Dimensions by Kosmos

A Game to Remember. A revisit of ‘Dungeon Talk Episode 7

  1. Playing Wizards
    1. What makes a Wizard fun to play
    2. How do Wizards work in 5E
    3. Do people play Wizards that aren’t combat focused in 5E
    4. Is there an edition of D&D where wizards were more fun to play
  1. The other topic – Why can’t Michael run a sandbox game? 
    1. In this episode Michael briefly talked about why the Sandbox game he was trying to run that wasn’t working. He mentioned that the players were never doing what he predicted and Evan said he was having a hard time following the story.
    2. What sort of mentality is required to run a sandbox
    3. What should the session zero conversation be about the sandbox
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Our Intro and Outtro music is Fly a Kite by Spectacular Sound Productions used via Creative Commons Attribution License