Faculty Meeting # 146 – Comics and Games

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Hello and welcome to Faculty Meetings – The general advice and discussion podcasts from The Rpg Academy. This is Faculty Meeting # 146 – Comics and Games.  In this episode I’m joined by my Faculty Meeting co-host Tom Cantwell  ( @BeskarTom


Action 12 Cinema Update. There is now a Newsletter. Join it to be the first to here of updates.

DMs Guild Spotlight with Grant ( @The_Foxblade )

Comics and Games.  What lessons can we as Game Master’s take from Comic books?

Our History with Comics

What Comic Book Tropes can we use. Should avoid?

What storytelling tools can we pull into our RPGs

Comic book recommendations

Describe your perfect campaign based on a comic book

When was the best era of RPGs for us personally?
Comments and Feedback are always welcome.
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Our Intro and Outtro music is Fly a Kite by Spectacular Sound Productions used via Creative Commons Attribution License