Category: Uncategorized

MISC: My Home-Brew Gaming Table

If you’ve been listening to the podcasts or reading any of my web journal entries then you may already know that I’ve been playing D&D and RPG’s since I was 12 or so. That’s right at 25 years (last week was by Birthday) of gaming. What you may not know yet is that within the …

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House Rule: Hero Points

Hero Points: Let’s be clear, these are almost identical to Action points from 3.5 Eberron. I’ve said in other posts and on the podcasts that the Eberron setting is my favorite. And it’s not even close. I LOVE that setting. Everything about it just feels right to me, including the Action Point mechanic it introduced. …

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New Campaign Idea

The Lost City: Hello all, I have the opportunity to start a new D&D Campaign in the next few weeks. If you listened to the most recent Podcast you’ll know that Evan will be going back to school soon and doesn’t have the time to commit to DM’ing a game, but we want to keep …

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Lost City Campaign; Session 1 Recap

Hey all, So, Evan needed to take a week off from DM’ing and asked if I could step in and go ahead and start my Campaign. I had been doing a lot of thinking and planning  about it recently and had enough that I felt I could jump in on short notice and kick things …

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