Category: Uncategorized

The Random-izer

The Random-izer The First thing you need to know about the Random-izer is that I, Michael AKA-Mumbles, roll 2d20’s for everything when I play. I haven’t “always” done this, but I have done it for a very long time.  Psychologically I think my dice roll better when I do this. I always use two different …

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Running a Successful Campaign: Tips & Tricks for Week 4

Weekly Tip/Trick for Friday, September 14, 2012:    Keep it Simple – Another way to burn out players is by over complicating things.  One thing that has frustrated me in the past is when DM’s create these huge elaborate mazes/puzzles that take the group FOREVER to solve.  If the group is spending hours relying on the …

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Dungeon Talk Episode Disclaimer

Hi all. It just sort of hit me today that on Itunes our podcasts feature the Explicit tag since we do occasionally use adult language. However, we don’t have any sort of disclaimer on our webpage. So now we do. if you go to the Dungeon Talk Page I’ve added a header about the possibility …

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Running a Successful Campaign: Tips & Tricks for Week 3

Weekly Tip/Trick for Friday, September 7, 2012:    3.  Think Ahead– This may sound like an obvious one, but keep in mind, players don’t know everything that you know.  Don’t expect players to figure out something just because the answer is simple or right in front of them.  You also can’t expect players to remember everything …

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Running a Successful Campaign: Tips & Tricks for Week 2

Weekly Tip/Trick for Friday, August 31, 2012:    Have a Contingency Plan – The best advice anyone has ever given me, when it comes to running games, was to always have a contingency plan.  This could be anything from a random NPC (non-playable character) you create, to a surprise encounter.  I used to play with a …

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Running a Successful Campaign: Tips & Tricks

Weekly Tip/Trick for August 24, 2012:  Introduction When I first started running games, no one really gave me any useful tips or general rules of thumb to go by.  All I had were the books and my own creativity.  Although the books help, they can also create headaches and overwhelm those new to running games …

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Helpful Tools

Following are a few tools I use on a regular basis: 1.  Monster Advancer (Monster builder / Encounter designer): 2.  HeroForge 3.5, 4E and Pathfinder RPG File Repository (This website consists of various useful tools created by other diehard d&d fans. Just click on whichever version of D&D you want: D&D 3.5, Pathfinder, or 4th edition): …

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Character Template

character.template Instructions: This character template is a series of questions that forces you to think about and ultimately make choices about your character outside of their role as an adventurer. In the questions “YOU” refers to the PC, not the player. This information can and should be used by your Game Master to develop hooks …

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House Rule: The Matrix – Just the basics

Morpheus: Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. You would create the Matrix by having each of your Players roll a stat in turn using whatever method you would normally use.  You would record them in order going left to right (row 1). Once you …

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House Rule: The Matrix – An Alternative method for starting PC stats

The Matrix   One of the topics Evan and I plan on covering in an upcoming Dungeon Talk Episode is starting a new game. We believe that our audience will mostly be made up of newer Players and newer DM’s, so we wanted to give some thoughts on getting started. This article will cover an …

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