March 2023 archive

Detention, LIVE! episode 85


Hello Academaniacs!

Welcome to Detention! In this episode I’m joined by Co-host Chris Burlew (@burlew_chris ) GM of the Redemption Podcast  and guest co-host is Eric Faber ( @Airborneham ) a Game designer, here to talk about The Last Hand a GMless Horror RPG on KS now.

Streamed live on Twitch on 02/22/23

The 2023 Ultimate TTRPG Bookshelf Draft


Hello and Welcome to this very special bonus episode where Michael and Chris are joined by Lewanika from the Tabletop Journey’s Podcast and Kevin Stacy from the Game Knight Heroes podcast for an TTRPG Draft.

The Sample Adventures. Action 12 Cinema. Ep 4 Act Three


Hello and Welcome to The Sample Adventures. For this series we are playing Action 12 Cinema which is a GMless, zero-prep game of over the top action movie style stories using D12 Dice.

The Sample Adventures. Action 12 Cinema. Ep 3 Act Two


Hello and Welcome to The Sample Adventures. For this series we are playing Action 12 Cinema which is a GMless, zero-prep game of over the top action movie style stories using D12 Dice.

The Sample Adventures. Action 12 Cinema. Ep 2 Act One


Hello and Welcome to The Sample Adventures. For this series we are playing Action 12 Cinema which is a GMless, zero-prep game of over the top action movie style stories using D12 Dice.

The Sample Adventures. Action 12 Cinema. Ep 1 The Pre-Production Phase.


Hello and Welcome to The Sample Adventures. For this series we are playing Action 12 Cinema which is a GMless, zero-prep game of over the top action movie style stories using D12 Dice.

The Reviews – Keys from the Golden Vault


Michael,Tom and guest co-host Fiona (from the What Am I Rolling Podcast) review the latest D&D Heist adventure anthology book – Keys from the Golden Vault