January 2022 archive

Bonus ep – Extra cReddit and Magic Shop Class sneak peeks


Hello and Happy NEW YEAR!!

Please enjoy this sneak peek at our two patreon only bonus podcasts coming in 2022.  Alternating week to week our $5 and up patrons will get a new Magic Shop Class episode from Tom where he is taking a look at a new Magic Item from the DMG and beyond.  And Extra cReddit where Tom and I pick two questions from a TTRPG subreddit and generate some discussions.

Faculty Meeting # 151 – There Went the Segments


Hello and welcome to Faculty Meetings – The general advice and discussion podcasts from The Rpg Academy. This is Faculty Meeting # 151 – There Went the Segments

In this episode Tom and Michael take a look back at Dungeon Talk episode 14 – Here Come the Segments